Thursday 22 April 2010

Leader's debate #2 - some observations

God, Sky News are milking this. They have got a line-up of three political hacks just talking and talking and talking. Apparently Nick Clegg doesn't like the city because it plays havoc with his throat and David Cameron has been drinking tea.
Meanwhile, a text arrives from a Westminster insider with some tips for the Tory leader:
"Top Tips for Cam... Ditch the tie (I dare you), look at the camera, get angry, take the p*** out of yourself, use the phrase 'thirteen years have been REALLY unlucky for some', talk about '18 years', speak slowly, make a show of using only a small amount of the the given time at least once.
We'll see. Gordon Brown certainly needs to sharpen up. And probably agree with Clegg less.

8.45pm: It all seems to be more exciting outside the debate. Lots of demonstrations.
9pm: Mary, Mary, Mary. Good to see my old college mate Mary Slattery (her parents live up the road from mine) getting stuck in on expenses. No doubt her dad Tim, Lib Dem councillor and former mayor in Taunton, (right) will be pleased with Nick Clegg's answer.
David Cameron branding Clegg's cake tin. Brown reckons MPs shouldn't have second jobs. Should be working full-time on being an MP. Contacting us more. Heaven help us.

9.11pm: Cameron got a good hit on asking Brown to disown himself from some dodgy Labour leaflets on Tories cutting benefits for the elderly. Clegg still performing well. Lots of hands in pockets.
Brown doing better than last week. "David you are a risk to the economy. Nick you are a risk to security with your nuclear policy."
Lots of audience looking bored, though.

Brown: The buck stops here. Bring forces home. Multinational negotiations on nuclear weapons. Economy. "Don't do anything which puts this economic recovery at risk."
"Nick you would leave us weak. David you would leave us isolated."
Cameron: Brown "all sounded desperate" trying to scare people. New leadership. Big differences. "Pull together to build the big society that we need."
Clegg: "Shape the world around us." Run through of all question subjects. "Something really exciting is happening. Beginning to beleive and hpe we can do something difference this time."
At handshake Cameron did the old body language expert trick of touching Clegg and Brown's arms.

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